Toot Toot

Jan 20, 2010

Winnie's Birthday

Looking at herself.The Empty Place.We just need more offer.Fill my cup.Choice the right one.Sotong laying eggs.More then just one.Must be Fair.Not Nice!Nothing much.Nothing much.

On the 17th of January we went to Sakae Sushi to celebrate Winnie's Birthday she is getting old like all human. Remember her saying she don't like to be 18 (ops I just say her age out ) because she feel so old. I did told her that no matter you like it or not you are still 18 and everyone will become older and older and one day we will be in heaven and we have a better home!

Now everyone of us is getting older we must learn to take care of one another because one day we will realise that one day we won't have the chance to care from others anymore. Soon or later we will be in heaven and be with our Father and see one another praising Him! So let us live a life that we will never regret it!

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