Toot Toot

Feb 7, 2010

First Zone Meeting this year

ThinkingRunning AwayCheyRighteousnessFlying HighSalvationHappyFamilyRollingGet ReadyMissingHolyHurtingThe WordThe Way

These are some of the photo I like.. You might not like it but I do..

Ok... Today gonna share with you guys about what I've learn this week.

The quality of a person's leadership depends on what happens during time. Character & career of a young person depends on how he or she spends spare time. Amen? We cannot regulate school or office hours those are determined for us but we can say what we will do before or after.

Each moment of the day is a gift from God that deserves care, for by any measure, our time is short and the work is great.

Minutes and hours wisely used translate into an abundant life. If you are trying so hard, pressing yourself to save souls when someone warn you, "This may cost your life!" What will you reply? My reply is "What else is life for?"

Hours and days will surely pass, but we can direct them purposefully & productively. The best use of one's life is to spend it for something that will outlast. Life's value is not its duration but its donation. Not how long we live, but how fully and how well we use it. Time is precious. Moses knew time was valuable & prayed to be taught to measure it by days, not by years (Psalm 90:12). If we are careful about days, the years will take care of themself. Amen?

Are you a good leader? Because a leader seldom say, "I don't have the time." Such excuse is usually the refuge of a small-minded and inefficient person. Each of us has the time to do the whole will of God for our lives.

Lastly is that our problem is not too little time, but making better use of the time we have. Each of us has as much time as anyone else. President has the same 24hrs as we. Others may have the money, abilities, influence but no one has more time! (Luke 19:12-27) Where each servant are given the same amount of money, we each have been given the same amount of time. But few of us use it wisely. We must see time like we are lending it from God!

"If we progress in the economy of time, we are learning to live. If we fail here, we fail everywhere." So let us learn how to use our time wisely for God! I am learning how to plan my time wisely too! Write your own timetable!

This is all I have for you guys!

God I am coming back strong!

Feb 1, 2010

Most Tiring week.

Clean and green!
At first my power is at the max!

2 day of work I nearly give up!

Die off.
3rd day I really can't take it anymore. Don't know what I am talking about right...

Trying to tell you guys how tired I am from 25 Jan to 31 Jan 2010.

Monday is like normal go to work and went back home to rest.

Tuesday went for 4.8km running session.

Wednesday is a bad day. I start work at 530am and have a training session at 3pm ran 3.2km and start my basketball training. Reach home around 7pm to take my nap and went back to work from 8pm all the way to 6am the next morning. Stay inside office and rest for 2hrs and went for my badminton competition at about 9am. But praise God I still can enter into the semi-final. Maybe all the players are not really good.

Thursday I reach home around 3pm after my badminton games. And have a good rest when I got home.

Friday my whole body so pain till I can't even lifted up my left leg.

Saturday I wake up at around 10am to prepare for cell group. Went for cell at 230pm ended around 6pm because I went to eat dinner with them. Somemore is my last cell group with them. :( Went home and take a nap wake up at 7pm. Went to work at 8pm and ended work the next morning at around 8am.

Sunday I went to church after my work and went home at around 6pm. Don't know how to say the tiredness is my heart :)

This is my week. 2 full days I never have a chance to sleep... I need rest!!!!!

Growing back strong!
Be fruitful!

Yesterday is a great day. I went to Gen 3.5 is really true that the cell has a good hand full of people to work on. I got nothing much I can say is because I have to do something first before I can share with you guys how great they are!

I have to leave Gen 3.2 Firstly because Pastor ask me to go over to rise up leaders. Secondly is because I feel that we have to really move on to the next level of leadership. So I decided to give my best for Gen 3.5!

Be Fruitful and multiply!

God I am coming back strong!